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Mailchimp Migration Guide

Upgrading to 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 of the Source Mailchimp connector introduces a number of breaking changes to the schemas of all incremental streams. A full schema refresh and data reset are required when upgrading to this version.


  • The ._links field, which contained non-user relevant Mailchimp metadata, has been removed from all streams.
  • All instances of datetime fields have had their type changed from string to airbyte-type timestamp-with-timezone. This change should ensure greater precision and consistency in how datetime information is represented and processed by destinations.
  • The Mailchimp API returns many fields without data as empty strings. To accomodate the above changes, empty strings are now converted to null values:
{"id": "record_id", "last_opened": ""} -> {"id": "record_id", "last_opened": null}

Updated datetime fields

  • Automations:

    • create_time
    • send_time
  • Campaigns:

    • create_time
    • send_time
    • rss_opts.last_sent
    • ab_split_opts.send_time_a
    • ab_split_opts.send_time_b
    • variate_settings.send_times (Array of datetime fields)
  • Email Activity:

    • timestamp
  • List Members:

    • timestamp_signup
    • timestamp_opt
    • last_changed
    • created_at
  • Lists:

    • date_created
    • stats.campaign_last_sent
    • stats.last_sub_date
    • stats.last_unsub_date
  • Reports:

    • send_time
    • rss_last_send
    • opens.last_open
    • clicks.last_click
    • ab_split.a.last_open
    • ab_split.b.last_open
    • timewarp.last_open
    • timeseries.timestamp
  • Segment Members:

    • timestamp_signup
    • timestamp_opt
    • last_changed
    • last_note.created_at
  • Segments:

    • created_at
    • updated_at
  • Unsubscribes:

    • timestamp